Our very own Hudson Garden Club elves decorated the booths for this weekend’s Christkindlmarkt, the German market on the Green, using swags and wreaths that club members made at our December club meeting yesterday. Many thanks to JoAnn’s Fabrics and Crafts for donations that enhanced the greens.
Get your GLOW on!
Make time to visit Cleveland Botanical Garden’s winter show GLOW! This year our club’s Glow Girls have decorated one of the trees on display with hand-crafted miniature scenes. Visit https://cbgarden.org for details.
December’s meeting is Dec 12 at Barlow Community Center
We will be celebrating the holidays at our December 12 meeting in the Assembly Room at Barlow Community Center. Social time begins at 6:45pm and the program at 7:00pm. Bring your shears and join in the creation of live Christmas swags for the vendor’s tents of Hudson’s second Christkindlmarkt. The outdoor German Christmas market will be held on the Hudson Green with the festivities beginning on Friday December 13 and continuing through Sunday, December 15. Started last year in Hudson, this German Christmas Market, sponsored by the Hudson Landsberg Sister City organization, brought thousands of guests to downtown Hudson for shopping, food, drink and musical entertainment. The club is thrilled to add to the success of this event. We are not asking members to bring cookies to this meeting since the club will be providing the cookies . Hope you are able to attend and join in the fun.
November’s meeting is at Barlow Community Center
Just a reminder that this month’s meeting is being held at Barlow Community Center. Laurel Lake has a construction project going on so our meeting location will vary over the next several months. For meeting information, click here https://hudsongardenclub.org/page/our-meetings. We still have extra amaryllis bulbs for sale. If you would like to purchase one and can’t attend the meeting, contact Barb Earnhardt at barb.earndardt@yahoo.com.
Tour flower arrangers win people’s choice award
For the last several years, about 20 women have been involved in creating the flower arrangements in the homes on our annual Home & Garden Tour. Those designs reflect the style of the homes and feature flowers from the gardens of our members. Last month during Ohio Mart at Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens, three members of the group created a very special design in the size and style appropriate to the Dining Room of the historic 675-room Tudor Revival Manor House. Along with 11 other area florists and designers, our members beautified the Manor House for four days in an event called Inspiration in Bloom. Guests attending the event voted for their favorite design and the Hudson Garden Club arrangement won! Our members created a 10’ long design, using nine 20” tall clear glass cylinders belonging to Fern MacMillan. Inside five cylinders were calla lilies; the other four had euonymus greens. Trays of mixed flowers, greens, and white mini pumpkins were positioned on top of the cylinders. The flowers came from HGC member gardens, some from a local flower grower, some from a wholesaler, and included a few dried some dried/preserved flowers. Our thanks to Mrs D’s Dahlias (Brenda Depew), a Hudson grower, who donated dozens of Dahlias, and to Martha Cailor, who donated many branches of Beauty Berry and stems of Hyacinth bean pods (such gorgeous shades of purple!). The plant material included Amaranthus, Beauty berries (leaves removed), Spider Chrysanthemums, two types and colors of Dahlias, seeded Eucalyptus, variegated Euonymus, Hyacinth bean pods, Hydrangeas, Hypericum berries, ornamental Kale, Lion’s tail (Leonitis leonurus), Magnolia leaves, Pachysandra, Roses in two colors, Taxus, and Veronica to make a spectacular arrangement. Antique and contemporary chandelier beading and teardrop pendants with a mirrored runner beneath accessorized the design. Thank you to Barb Earnhardt, Nancy Forhan, and Jane Harrison for showcasing and publicizing the work of the Tour flower arrangers and encouraging visitors to come see the designs at the next Home & Garden Tour!
Purchase HGC flowering bulbs now!
Bring your checkbook to the October meeting at the library on October 17 and purchase deer resistant flowering bulbs at our club’s fundraiser. There is still a great selection and the prices are right. Now is the perfect time for planting. Come at 6pm for the appetizer and dessert potluck, shop, then stay for the program. Barb Earnhardt is heading this project and will answer your questions. Please contact her at barb.earnhardt@yahoo.com
October 17th meeting to be held at Hudson Library
Due to upcoming construction at Laural Lake, our meeting locations will be varied for the next few months. The October 17, 2019 meeting will be at the Hudson Library. We will start at 6pm with a potluck of appetizers and dessert then follow with the program at 7pm. Please bring something to share! Our guest speakers will be our very own members who have designed the decorations for this year’s holiday tree at Cleveland Botanical Garden’s GLOW event. This year’s theme is “Tiny Treasures.” The committee has created dioramas of seasonal scenes as the basis of our design. Many of the dioramas contain bits of Hudson from the clock tower to Main Street views. The detail and back stories are interesting!
Hudson Garden Club designs for Inspiration in Bloom at Stan Hywet
Three HGC members are representing the Hudson Home & Garden Tour flower arrangers and are participating in Stan Hywet’s Inspiration in Bloom, Thursday, Oct 3 thru Sunday, Oct 6. Their arrangements are pictured below. Attend the event to view (and vote for!) their designs and 11 others in the Manor house, shop at Ohio Mart, enjoy special food items and take part in many other activities. For more info visit https://www.stanhywet.org/events/inspiration-bloom“
A beautiful day for the fall Plant Exchange
The weather was perfect for our fall Plant Exchange. Everyone had a good time and left with new plants for their garden. The next exchange will be held in the spring of 2020. Afraid you’ll forget about this FREE event? Become a member and you will be notified of upcoming club events. You will receive eblasts of late-breaking news and a monthly newsletter detailing what is coming up. You can find a membership form here.
Fall Plant Exchange Saturday, September 21
Our next plant exchange will be held at Veteran’s Way Park on Saturday, September 21. Check in starts at 9am. The exchange opens at 10am. Pot up divisions of your perennials now so they can recover and be in good shape by then. This event is free, open to the public, and a great way to meet local gardeners. You’ll receive a ticket for each plant you bring and use the tickets to “buy” new plants for your garden. Click here for more details and a list of excluded plants.
Location change for September meeting
Our next meeting will be Thursday, September 19, 2019. This month our club meeting will be held at Suncrest Garden Center 5157 Akron Cleveland Rd, Peninsula, Ohio. The meeting begins at 7:00pm. Our host, Rob Cowie, will give us a tour of the greenhouse, lead a question and answer session, and provide an opportunity for some discounted shopping. We will also enjoy some social time with wine and cheese. We have invited this year’s Tour hostesses and hosts to join us for this kickoff meeting of our club year. Please introduce yourself and make them feel welcome.
Five new gardening books donated to the Hudson Library
The following new books have recently been donated to the Hudson Library by Hudson Garden Club. Look for them in the New Books Section.
Deer Resistant Design by Karen Chapman.
Heaven is a Garden: Designing Serene Spaces by Jan Johnson.
The Wild Garden by William Robinson.
New Small Garden: Contemporary principles, planting and practice by Noel Kingsbury.
The Wild Remedy: How Nature Mends Us.-A.Diary by Emma Mitchell…
2019 Tour Flower Photos now online
Photos of the 2019 Tour Flower Arrangements are now posted on our club’s Shutterfly site. Previous years’ arrangements are also posted there. To view the 2019 Arrangements, click here.
Buy now! Tour Luncheon Ticket sales end June 5!
Don’t be disappointed. Purchase your advance reservation for the special Tour Luncheon at Lake Forest Country Club by June 5. Tickets are available online or at Acme and Learned Owl in Hudson.
No ticket needed to shop during the tour!
The Hudson Garden Club’s Garden Shop will be open to the public during the upcoming Hudson Home & Garden Tour, Thursday June 13 and Friday June 14, at Hudson Middle School. No tour ticket is needed to visit the shop. Nursery grown plants will include the 2019 Perennial Plant Association Plant of the Year, deer-resistant, pollinator friendly, unusual perennials, and a hard-to-find annual that is a hummingbird favorite! Curated home and garden décor items will be offered along with gently used gardening books. Come discover the many surprises at our once-a-year pop-up shop! The Garden Shop will be open 10-5 each day and all proceeds return to the community in the form of scholarships and grants given by the Hudson Garden Club.
2019 Tour Tickets and Luncheon Tickets on sale at Acme and Learned Owl now!
The 2019 Hudson Home and Garden Tour will be held Thursday, June 13 10am-8pm and Friday June 14, 10am-5pm. Tour tickets ($20 presale price) and tickets for the special Tour Luncheon at Lake Forest Country Club ($20) are now available for purchase at Acme and Learned Owl Bookshop in Hudson. Luncheon tickets are limited and presale Tour tickets offer a $5 per ticket savings, so don’t delay. Buy yours today!
Free gardening programs at Seiberling Nature Realm
Summit county master gardeners will present free gardening programs at F.A. Seiberling Nature Realm, 1828 Smith Rd., Akron. The programs are on Wednesdays and start at 7:00 pm.
June 26 – Creating Iconic Landscapes, presented by Kyle Lukes PLA, ASLA. Senior Landscape Architect, Environmental Design Group.
July 24 – Travels Through Horticulture, presented by JimFunai, Professor of Horticulture, Cuyahoga Community College, and Shelley Funai, Grounds Manager, Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens.
August 28 – Healing Gardens, presented by Karen Kennedy HTR, Horticultural Thereapist,Teacher at Horticultural Therapy Institute and HT Consultant. Visit their site at summitmastergardeners.org
Make your tour luncheon reservations now!
Visit our website to make pre-paid reservations for the tour luncheon at Lake Forest Country Club. The menu is detailed in the invitation below. Reservations will be limited, so don’t delay!
Club buys additional gardening books for Hudson Library
Proceeds from our annual Home and Garden Tour benefit the community in several ways. One is the donation of new books for the gardening collection at the Hudson Library and Historical Society. Our latest purchases are: Healing Herbal Infusions: Simple and Effective Home Remedies by Colleen Codekas.No Dig Organic Home and Garden. Grow, Cook, Use and Store your Harvest by Charles Dondery and Stephanie Hafferty. R.H.S. Simple Steps to Success: Easy Pruning by Royal Horticultural Society. RHS. How to Garden When You’re New to Gardening by Simon Aberoyd and Dr.Ross Bayton.
Two high school students awarded scholarships
Anna Herchl, a senior at Hudson High School plans to attend West Virginia University and wants to major in Environmental Soil and Water Sciences with a future goal of obtaining a Law Degree as her graduate degree. Her environmental interest peaked while studying the effects the mining industry has on the environment and human health. She has been accepted as a member of National Honor Society, Tri-M, Seal of Biliteracy in English and Spanish. Through her love for music she is a member of the Concert Band, Marching Band, and Wind Symphony. She has been actively involved in high school sports as a member of HHS Lacrosse, Field Hockey and Rugby teams. As a volunteer she has given time and talent to Junior Ski Patrol, Human Society and Laurel Lake as well as many others. During the winter months she works as a Lift Operator at the local Ski Resorts.
Gabriella Church, also a senior at Hudson High School plans to attend Bowling Green State University with long term aspirations to obtain a Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences and make a career with the National Park Service. Her passion for the environment began, as a young girl, with a failed attempt to bandage torn tree bark back onto the trunk. Through this youthful experience she wants to protect and conserve our natural resources. She is a member of National Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, Archaeology and Writing Club. She is community minded volunteering for the Hudson Garden Club Home and Garden Tour, Hudson Haunted House, Taste of Hudson and Barlow Farm Fall Fest. She works at The Learned Owl and as a hobby is a BEEkeeper.
Scholarship recipient sends video update
Cade Capper, a second year recipient of the 2019 Hudson Garden Club’s scholarship, is a freshman at The Ohio State University majoring in Environmental Science. Cade is specializing in Ecosystem Restoration with career plans to create Ecological Surveys and Wildlife Research. The highlight of Cade’s freshman year at OSU was a week in Trinidad studying the sustainability and conservation measures in less developed countries. While there, the group visited the University of West Indies to view their hydroponic system as well as a boat trip to the Caroni Swamp viewing natural habitat. Cade is a member of the Buckeye Philharmonic Orchestra, OSU Sierra Club, Spanish, Fencing and Juggling Clubs. He volunteers with the US Forestry Service and works as Student Assistant at the Wexner Medical Center. He sent the club a video update after receiving the award.
Rain gardens are topic for May 16 meeting
Our final meeting of the season will be at 7pm on May 16 at Laural Lake. A social period begins at 6:45pm. Jennifer Grieser, Senior Natural Resource Manager for Cleveland Metroparks will address the topic of rain gardens. She will explain the benefits of rain gardens for the residential garden. In an area where gardeners fight wet conditions and soggy yards, Jennifer’s suggestions might be the perfect way to deal with the extra water. Our monthly meetings will resume in September, but our club is still active during the summer months with field trips and our annual Home and Garden Tour on June 13 and 14.
Eastwood students received trees on Arbor Day
For this year’s Arbor Day, the Hudson Garden Club donated 350 trees. After about a dozen members worked together to package the saplings for the 4th grade students at East Woods Elementary School, club member Kathy Harrison presented the pine tree saplings to the students, explained how they are planted and how they grow. She also explained the history of Arbor Day, how Hudson became a “Tree City” and what it takes to qualify to keep that standing every year. This is just one of the great programs the Hudson Garden Club does every year to support our community!
Members invited to become a “Glow Girl”
The theme for the Affiliate Club Christmas trees at the Cleveland Botanical Garden’s Glow 2019 show this coming November-December has been revealed: Tiny Treaures. “From model trains to fairy houses, gardens have a rich history of incorporating miniature, magical worlds. These trees will take a pint-size look at the larger world around us.” Come join the Glow Girls as we put the HGC touch on the design theme and begin to make our decorations to decorate our club’s tree at the event. The Glow Girls hand craft the decorations at a series of get togethers over the coming months. Contact Barb Earnhardt at barb.earnhardt@yahoo.com to be added to the email list for notices of future meetings.
Club’s Arbor Day trees featured in Hudson Hub
A recent article in the Hudson Hub Times featured trees our club has donated to celebrate Arbor Day. You can read it online here.
Field Trip to see lilacs in bloom is May 11
The next Hudson Garden Club Field trip is May 11. We will visit the Wolcott Lilac Garden in Kent. Price is $3/person. Registration required. Please see the Garden Club Newsletter for more details. Field Trips are limited to members, but we will gladly take your membership application on the spot if you want to join us. For more information contact Barb Earnhardt at barb.earnhardt@yahoo.com or 330-671-2024 by Thursday May 9
More gardening books on order!
The club has ordered more gardening books for the Hudson Library and Historical Society. Watch for them to be shelved on the New Books shelf in the coming weeks. Our donated books each have a book plate noting they were from Hudson Garden Club.
Composting Workshop April 9
Learn how to start composting by attending a free workshop at Barlow Community Center in Hudson at 6:30pm on April 9. Information and free registration at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e044aa4ad22a6f58-composting
Donate garden-theme items to Tour Garden Shop
The pop up Garden Shop during the Hudson Home and Garden Tour (June 13 and 14) is collecting gently used garden-themed items for the garage sale section of the shop. Pots, ornaments, planters, garden decor, all things flowery, garden books and gardening magazines are welcome. Call Judy Mikita 330-701-1364 for drop off instructions or to arrange a pick up.
Advertising still available in 2019 Tour program
Reach 1500 local customers while helping our nonprofit, community-centered organization at the same time! Advertise in our 2019 Tour program. Space is still available. See last year’s program as an example. Contact Lisa Drew at Drew7co@gmail.com to learn about your options.
Spring Plant Exchange set for Tuesday, May 21
The 2019 Spring Plant Exchange will be held at 7:00pm on Tuesday May 21 at Veteran’s Way Park, Hudson. Visit our Plant Exchange page for details on how the exchange works. Pot up some extra plants during your garden’s spring tuneup so they will be in good condition by May.
2019 Tour and Luncheon Tickets available now
The 2019 Hudson Home and Garden Tour will be held June 13 and 14. Presale tickets are now available online for both the Tour and Luncheon here. Buy now and save $5 per Tour Ticket. The luncheon sold out last year, so don’t be disappointed. Reserve your place by purchasing a Luncheon ticket today.
Green roofs are the subject for March’s meeting
Our next meeting will be held in Laurel Lake Community Room on Thursday, March 21. 6:45pm Social 7:00pm Program. Back by popular demand, Garden Club member Len Lampert will discuss the differences between green and vegetative roofs, focusing on design options, advantages, required maintenance and sustainability. Len will also include plant options to use in our Northeast Ohio climate. With the help of photos and illustrations (with the bonus of two projects completed by Len) this program will be the perfect night for any gardener dreaming of a green roof.
Follow us on Facebook!
Did you know that you don’t need a Facebook account to view our club’s page? Simply click the link or copy this into your browser bar: https://www.facebook.com/TheHudsonGardenClubHomeGardenTour/?ref=bookmarks
Advertise in the 2019 Tour Program
Advertising opportunities are still available for the 2019 Home and Garden Tour, June 13 and 14. For details and to see last year’s tour program, go to https://hudsongardenclub.org/page/hudson-home-garden-tour
13 Grants awarded to worthy projects
Since 2000, we’ve awarded grants to fund projects and programs that support our mission. In 2018, we gave more than $12,000 to 13 schools and organizations. For the complete list and information on how to apply for a grant, go to https://hudsongardenclub.org/page/grants.
HGC grant helps bring author to Hudson
Our club has helped sponsor this event through a grant awarded to the library. Proceeds from our annual Home and Garden Tour are used for grants. An Evening with Victoria Johnson, Author of American Eden, Finalist for the 2018 National Book Award for Nonfiction
Hudson Library & Historical Society Thursday, Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. Register to attend this free program. http://engagedpatrons.org/EventsRegister.cfm… or call (330) 653-6658.
The Hudson Library & Historical Society and Hudson Garden Club welcome author Victoria Johnson. The book uncovers the untold story of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr’s personal physician, whose dream to build America’s first botanical garden, inspired the young Republic. Of the book, The New York Times Book Review says, “Did Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton leave you with an appetite for more? American Eden will not disappoint…. In her ambitious and entertaining book Johnson connects past to present. David Hosack’s garden may have been short-lived, but in our parks, gardens, medical practices and pharmacology, his efforts continue to bear fruit.” Johnson is an associate professor of urban policy and planning at Hunter College of the City University of New York. She has been a Cullman Fellow at the New York Public Library and a Mellon Visiting Scholar at the New York Botanical Garden.