September is Our Kick Off Month
Our club year kicks off in September and we are thrilled to be back together for our meetings and events.
We meet year round with a combination of in-person meetings, field trips and pop-up garden visits.
(Note: No General Meetings will take place in January or February.)
Examples of our Programming:
Gardener to Gardener Workshops on a range of gardening topics at private gardens
Pop-up open garden visits
Field trips to area venues
Visited Greenfield Berry Farm in Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
Plant Exchanges In May and September.
Flower arranging hands-on classes and all who participate create a beautiful flower arrangement
Participated in the City of Hudson Earth Day Vendor Exhibition.
Create and deliver May ‘baskets’ to our schools and key community service organizations.
The holiday season brings a very busy and creative opportunity for Hudson Garden Club.
We create beautiful holiday swags for Hudson’s Christkindl Market and then install the swags on each artisan booth.
We participate annually in the Cleveland Botanical Garden’s Holiday Show
We have decorated a tree at Stan Hywet’s Deck the Hall, trees at Case Barlow Farm’s Santa in the Barn and Winter Wonderland, and a festive holiday window at First and Main in Downtown Hudson.
Our Meetings Take Place Throughout the Year
Just a reminder that we do not hold our monthly General Meetings in January or February. The summer months bring many opportunities for our members. We have our annual Tour, field trips, Gardener to Gardener workshops, Herb Group meetings and outings. We keep in touch via our newsletter and Facebook and we take time to enjoy the friendships we have formed through the club. Happy gardening!
Check our online Calendar or Meeting page of our website to find the link to our free monthly meetings on Zoom. When the weather warms, we hope to hold meetings outdoors. Stay safe, everyone!