Gardening Books for the Hudson Library


Every year, our club donates about 30 adult and youth books to the Hudson Library. We also fund gardening magazine subscriptions and videos. When a new book arrives, it is placed on the New Books shelf for six months before it is shelved with the general collection. Each item contains a book plate acknowledging our club. Our more recent donations are listed by year below. Click to view the titles. 







2021(No books added to the library)



This annual donation for the benefit of the Hudson community is made possible by the proceeds from the Hudson Home and Garden Tour that our club organizes every June. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Civic Gardens


For many years, Hudson Garden Club planted and maintained public gardens in several places in Hudson: the Flagpole Garden on the main green, the Community Garden at the corner of Main Street and Ravenna Street, and the Rain Garden on Clinton Street. The club also planted the old horse troughs at the historic clocktower. While those gardens are now under the supervision of the City of Hudson, we still have a group of active club members who volunteer to help. We call them The Bottoms Up Gang (The BUGs). The BUGs have fun and learn about gardening while beautifying the community. New members are always welcome!


May Baskets


Making and delivering May Baskets has been a tradition of our club for a long time. Each year the design is different. Sometimes they are just simple flower arrangements and there isn’t even a basket! However, the sentiment is always the same – a thoughtful remembrance on May 1st to people and organizations important to our club.




                                                Arbor Day


To celebrate Arbor Day, we give a robust tree seedling to every fourth grader in the Hudson Schools. This has been a club tradition for many years. The club’s Youth Committee Chair presents a program on trees and tree planting for the classes. Then, each student receives an instruction sheet and the gift of a young tree to plant at home. However, before all that happens, the hundreds of young trees must be individually packaged. Each tree’s roots are dipped in a protective gel and then wrapped in plastic for the ride to home from school. Having many cheerful volunteers makes this rewarding project go quickly. Read more about our Arbor Day trees here. 



Grant Gardens


The traffic circle garden at the intersection of Aurora Street and Hudson Street was initially started through a grant by Hudson Garden Club to a Hudson volunteer. After approving the submitted grant proposal, the club provided the monies to purchase the plants. The plants were installed and maintained by volunteers. This location is now managed by the City, but there are many other public locations in Hudson that would benefit from a volunteer’s touch. If you are interested in doing a beautification project on public property, see our Grants page for more information on how to apply for funding.

The Green Thumb Club and Harvest Fair

Every February, our club does a presentation to all second graders in the Hudson Public Schools. The students have already done a unit on soil with their teachers.  We cover the basics of seeds, how to plant them and the importance of soil and water, then encourage them to grow some seeds during the summer. The teachers are given order forms for seed packets which the club provides for a minimal fee.

In early September, the students bring what they have grown to the Harvest Fair. Club members are on hand to award each child a Green Thumb Club certificate for participating and a ribbon for each entry. There are three categories: Vegetables & Herbs, Flowers and Crazy Critters. Crazy Critters are made from items grown in their garden and are the favorite! All the entries are organized on tables at the school entrance and left on display so everyone can see them. It’s a great way to get kids growing!