Hudson Garden Club offers a wide range of activities throughout the year, including:

– Hands-on workshops
– Field trips and garden visits
– Programs with speakers who share their knowledge on gardening topics
– Gardener-to-Gardener mentoring opportunities
– Herb group meetings
– Potluck dinners
Plant exchanges

Some events are offered for members only but most are open to the community. New members are welcome to join throughout the year.

Our meetings and field trips are held at various locations in and around Hudson or via Zoom. Meeting topics/locations are announced on our Facebook page and in our members’ newsletter. Our website will have information about Upcoming Events on the Home Page. Traditionally, our meetings begin with a social period at 6:30 p.m. and the program begins at 7 p.m.

Hudson Garden Club follows the severe weather policy of Hudson City Schools. If school is canceled, our in-person meeting/event will be canceled (or if possible rescheduled to Zoom). Call 330-653-1300 or visit for closing notices.